Category: cultural analysis

No Shame In It

There is a really weird concept percolating through the miniature wargame substrate right now, and it’s probably a reflection of a trend in the wider culture.  It goes a little something like this: Man, there is so much to unpack here. Let’s begin with the fact that every man...

The Spanish Civil War

Yeah, we’re doing this. It’s a once-proud and wealthy nation that suffers from the high expenses of babysitting its colonies, beset by a crumbling economy, and in which radical left-wing nutjobs run riot in the streets, and in which quiet and reasonable men long for a strong man to...

Adeptus Menstruates

The locusts are buzzing again.  This time it’s not the rubbing of their hind legs, it’s the clapping of their ass cheeks as they stomp about demanding that the year 40k look more like the Current Year. It’s the same old song – the people who can’t build, take. ...

On the OGL

WotC can do and say whatever they want. I’m going to keep perfecting the art of the game using the tools good ol’ Gary gave me. There is plenty more to say on the order of retvrning to your roots, and not being a slave to corporate IP, and...

Fattening the Herd

Lots of chatter out there in the media space these days about Big Corporation clawing back control over its intellectual property. We had a round of this when GeeDubs sent out a round of cease-and-desists to the 40k YouTube community.  Now it’s the turn of the D&D fans to...

Second Thoughts on “Rangers of Shadowdeep”

Yesterday I wrote a glowing review of the game Rangers of Shadowdeep, by Joseph A. McCullough, capped by a lengthy complaint about a background that trades on the foundational rock of Western Civilization without naming Him.  As is so often the case these days, everybody wants the fruits of...

Brainstorming Paranoia

There’s a new edition of the classic RPG coming and hoo boy are the schoolmarms out in force. For those that don’t know, the Paranoia RPG was a dystopian sci-fi game with pretty thin rules designed to provide just enough game framework for a dark comedy RPG that satirized...

Yas Slaver Kween!

Put yourself in the mind of a modern-day film critic. Maybe this movie deserves a negative review… …but you have to ask yourself, is it really worth losing your job over?...

Stockholm Meets Munchausen

First, a primer by way of Infogalactic:               It is not hard to imagine that relentless pursuit of dopamine hits provided by social media would exacerbate this problem.  There is no test for gnder dis4ia*. It is a mental illness that is very...

Hunger Stones

Can we think about this one for a second? Forget academia and the supposed experts.  Let’s just think about this. The modern media outlets aren’t wasting a chance to use this interesting little bit of historical interest to gin up support for their molochian plans.  Every news story includes...