Where Did You Come From?

Last month I updated this blog’s traffic monitor and…

Where did you all come from?

This place has felt like screaming into the void for a long time for two reasons:

  1.  The use of the aforementioned terrible traffic counter which told me nothing
  2. The use of heavy spam filters on the comments

Bear in mind, my primary purpose for this blog is to serve as a living journal to document my hobbies.  Whether that’s a humble side-gig as an independent writer or a burgeoning side-gig as an internet niche micro-celebrity within the greater miniature wargaming co-dependency sphere.  This web-log provides me with a nice journal of what I’ve done and where I’ve been, and you are invited to join me in my current journey or look back along my trail using the Categories listed at the bottom of the right hand column.  It’s nice having you read over my shoulder.

And since both of those issues listed above got corrected, it looks like there are more than a hundred of you out there paying attention to this blog.

I am humbled.

Maybe.  Those numbers could be inflated by the presence of bots and spiders and other automated site visitors.

For now, I’m going to assume you are all genuine readers, and I’m going to act accordingly.  To that end, expect this new realization to lead to few changes.  You must be here because you like what you’ve seen so far.  Well, you’re going to keep on getting it unless you bully, nag, and bribe me to offer more of what you really want – which you can do using the handy and newly minted comment section.

Either way, thank you for being here.  The world feels a little smaller today thanks to you.

6 thoughts on “Where Did You Come From?

  1. I am a spider and a bot, but also a parody account and a real person with a blue check mark. I like your politics and ttrpg takes. I hit your page whenever a new post shows up.

    Also try gab.com and Kanye is right

  2. Hey, I think it works!

    Can’t remember how I found you, but I enjoy your takes – especially on indie skirmish games. I even bought one of your books!

    Keep it coming!

  3. I am not a robot! I’ve check out your page and one a week or more to see if there’s anything new.

    I appreciate your unapologetic faith and that you’re a miniature war gamer. If you didn’t live across the ocean, I’d invite you over for a game night. :).


  4. I wander by to check out your miniatures games. Nice work. I do have a question, where are the parrots?

    And why is this comment in italics?

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