Category: campaign

More Travellering

We have our first foil for Chad Solo. He grew up, one of about a million and a half citizen-subject-subscribers to the BlackReef syndicate.  Dad was a lifelong logoman for the Syndic, and encouraged Chad to enlist fresh out of school.  That worked out well for a time, but...

Classic Traveller: A New Solo

Today marked the inaugural session of a new solo campaign over at the Joy of Wargaming, and this time we’re chasing the edge of the universe with a game of OG Traveller. It wasn’t much of a session – all we managed to do was roll up one character,...

Gobbiton Update

In AD&D wolves are a pretty scary thing to encounter.  They are 2+ HD creatures and run in packs.  They are not for 1st level encounters, which should have served as an indication that running around the Wolflands is not for new characters, nor for n00b players. And when...

D0rf Fortressing

We needed a full roster of the dwarves of Romek Zoden.  Fortunately for us, the Monster Manual provides us with some guidance.  I’ve already pushed out a YuTuub Short detailing the process, so let me just hit you with the high points. The base number of dwarves (4d10 x 10)...

TPK Blues

As it happens, nine first level PCs are no match for nineteen orcs, even if those orcs are dressed in fancy pants and poofy shirts. Particularly when those orcs are armed with polearms, backed by an effective leader, and on high alert. Yesterday’s delve (check the date on this...

Dungeon Design and Surprising Yourself

I’m sorry, what’s that, Gary? Don’t I tried this at home kids. In the Wolflands, while delving the local megadungeon, our intrepid heroes ran into three encounters with orc patrols. Those kinds of numbers indicate something interesting is going on. To explain the streaky nature of things, we decided...

The Problem Of Rangers

Rangers, by design, are loners. Take a look at the special rules for Rangers in AD&D’s Player’s Handbook: No henchlings and no hired troops until 8th level. You only own what you can carry.  Everything else gets donated to Fantasy Ducks Unlimited or maybe some broke druids or a...

Corvusburg Chronicles: The Ligmatic Orcs

Dateline: October 2, 20223, The Ligmatic Cloister of the Bofahearts With Ronnie Dio recovering from a nasty fall and Meh the archerman down ith a bad case of the deviltape parasite, our party consists of just seven heroes this time out. The expedition started well enough, with a quick...

Finally, A Fake Disease You Can Trust

The rules for diseases in AD&D are great, but you probably rarely use them because they are such a niche subgame and hard to track.  Let’s cover the basics, then clear that first hurdle first, then go back and look at the disease rules in a more detail. Generally speaking,...

Riding the Solo AD&D Tiger

On September 29th, ten brave heroes entered the Ligmatic Cloister, nestled in the cleft between two towering peaks of the Bofaheart Mountains. Only nine returned. The expedition started out well.  While searching the front range of the Bofahearts, the party spied a long train of wagons – heavily guarded...