Category: D&D

More Mercs

Last time we looked at how to build a great big, whopping mercenary army for your D&D fighting-man.  Spoilers: it was expensive. Today, let’s look at things from the perspective of a freshly-minted 1st level fighter.  This is the kind of guy who did a tour in the soup,...

AD&D Mercenary Troops for Dummies

Recent discussions on the sociable medias got me curious about mercenary armies in the venerable grande olde dame of tabletop RPGs.  Let’s take a look at the rules and requirements for putting together a Black Company of your own. We’re going to make a few assumptions to simply the...

On the OGL

WotC can do and say whatever they want. I’m going to keep perfecting the art of the game using the tools good ol’ Gary gave me. There is plenty more to say on the order of retvrning to your roots, and not being a slave to corporate IP, and...

Fattening the Herd

Lots of chatter out there in the media space these days about Big Corporation clawing back control over its intellectual property. We had a round of this when GeeDubs sent out a round of cease-and-desists to the 40k YouTube community.  Now it’s the turn of the D&D fans to...

Brovenloft: The Pope’s Tale

The straight dope from the Bro Pope, the (second) man who brought the Rat King to heel.  I’ve made a few minor edits for clarity and readability.  Otherwise, these words are his own. Introduction (h/t ThreadReaderApp) Ok, time to resume this thread about #BROvenloft When the #BROvenloft concept was...

Dark Elves

Splintered Light is such a good miniature wargame company.  Clean scuplts with just the right amount of detail, tons of character, and so many options.  Today I’m bragging about my Dark Elf army for Dragon Rampant. Some time ago, I ordered the guys on the left.  Only painted six...

BROSR Principles: A Primer

Over the last couple of years, the lads in the #BROSR have reinvigorated the ossified field of tabletop RPGs by incorporating the solid design principles laid down by the giants of the pre-1980s collapse.  We’ve spilled a lot of ink – and I’ve published a number of videos –...

Eddie’s Brovenloft

The man, the myth, the legend behind the lich, the myth, the legend posted his experience running Eddie But In Hieroglyphics through the Brovenloft meatgrinder.  The bad news is he posted it over on Twitter.  That site is so ephemeral and this thread so amazing, it seemed a shame...

Brovenloft: Lessons Learned

There’s a natural ebb and flow to conflict games, and D&D played right is no exception. The first BROSR campaign, Trollopulous, kicked off on a very slow note due to the lack of information available to all players.  Strict adherence to 1:1 timekeeping meant that messages crawled around a...

Fluid’s Brovenloft

Straight from the DM’s mouth, what it looks like to send the players at your D&D table into the teeth of a Braunstein, patron-play campaign.  This is how you bridge the gap between powerful patrons and the more street-level D&D with which most people are familiar. The man who...