Category: rules

Song of Guns and Tedium

Man, I have got to find some decent scenarios for Flying Lead.  The boy and I lined up 450 points worth of evenly matched forces against each other and just did a shoot-em-til-they’re-dead match.  This time it was his space mercs (GZG) attacking my police force.  After more than...

Old School Skirmish

The best local game shops in town is one of those cramped little shops crammed full of all sorts of odds and ends the store owner has collected over the last two decades.  It’s all too easy to while away a full hour digging through boxes of random game...

Moldvay Gems

The cool kids all seem to be raving about the offerings over at, especially the Moldvay edition of Basic D&D.  Being the tech savvy luddite that I am, I scored a hard copy of those rules via eBay. As is the custom, having read these rules cover to...

A Song of Crack and Meth

In an effort to play more games with the limited collection of painted figures that I have ready now*, I’ve been dabbling in Ganesha Games’ Song of… series of rules.  The results were cautiously optimistic. After a bit more faffing about the internet, it looks more and more like...

Mutant Test Drive

It’s hard to be a middle-aged wargamer who doesn’t own a table.  Living in limbo while searching for a decent place to live forced your humble host to choose between comfort (a sofa) and utility (a table).  Comfort won in a landslide.  Tonight, though, tonight things worked out such that...

Painted Devil Dog

Finally got a chance to sit down and get some paint on this card stock Warhammer 40k vehicle.  The Devil Dog is a modified Chimera that mounts a melta-cannon and big fuel tanks instead of 10 scared and about to die Guardsmen.  This one is table-quality – you can...

Big Thrust In Action

Over the last three weeks: The big work project blew up into 60 work weeks (brutal but we need the money, see below) Our sole vehicle broke down (still waiting) My daughter went in for an 18 hour surgery to fix some heavy duty back problems (she’s creaky, but...

Ship’s Record

As mentioned in the last post – the MDF board cutoffs make a great “clipboard” for the ship’s registers.  Each of these boards is just a bit bigger than 5-inches by 7-inches – perfect for printing the ship records. Ten players, ten boards.  We divvied up the ships to...


Frankly, I didn’t have enough foam to build a second capital ship.  So this foot-shaped beast is the strongest in either this force or the human force.  Instead of building two nearly identical fleets, I plan on making this ship and the escorts strong for the bio-fleet than for team human....