Shooting Around Corners in Black Ops

When somebody uses suppression fire at my table, they always announce it like this. Osprey’s Black Ops uses a card driven activation system.  It’s a randomized IGOUGO system broken up by held actions, orders, and suppression fire.  As can be imagined, suppressing fire is more likely to have an effect, but...

Hump Day Dump Day #6

It’s hump day, so I’ve got to include a picture of a camel…get it?  A sopwith camel?  Eh? EH? Ahhh, who am I kidding, I was just looking for an excuse to post the cover of this great game. In high school, my game crew bought a cheap second...

The Necromancer War, Chapter 3

When last we left the on-going saga of the Necromancer King’s attempt to add the Targar Empire to his domain, Lady Hotfor M’Motherson successfully routed a flanking force of the Necromancer King.  Seeing an opportunity to deliver a smashing blow to the dark lord’s forces, she quickly rounded up...

From the Archive – Hard and Blurry

Note much to say about this mind-1990s figure except that he has mainly seen use in a giant monster rampage style game.  Not even sure what manufacturer makes this guy.  RAFM?  He stands easily twice as tall as most 25mm-ish figures, so it’s acutally a giant cyclops skeleton....

Tiny Little Ruins

The Fantasy Big Box for One Hour Wargames needed a little something extra, and with the long Thanksgiving weekend, there was plenty of time to goof off at the hobby bench.  (It’s really more of a counter.)  So I slapped together a quick terrain piece to spruce up the...

Hump Day Dump Day #5: Eye Candy Edition

It really is a great time to be a wargamer, especially in 15mm.  I’d argue that we aren’t so much in a Golden Age as a Platinum Age.  The shopping list in my head includes the names of at least ten manufacturers producing as wide a variety of figures...

Black Ops, Trial Run

In northern corner, the crew of the G.S.S. Myconis, four hard charging Special Forces. Crew of the SS Myconis, from left to right, a specialist,heavy, trooper, and ace. In the southern corner, a dozen conscripts working for Hazmat Security, Inc. An ace, a heavy, and ten troopers. Since this was...

From the Archive – Big Red

You know what goes great with leftover Turkey?  Old miniatures! Every collection of wargame miniatures needs at least one dragon. This one marks the first time that I was able to get the shading on the color red done right.  For some reason it took a big canvas and...

Actual Play – Barbarian Prince – Episode 1

If you haven’t seen it yet, Castalia House Publishing has a new blog feature called Wargame Wednesdays, for all of us hex-and-counter-philes.  The series has inspired me to push some cardboard around.  All of my kids love themselves some Awful Green Things, and we spent a summer tooling about with...

Hump Day Dump Day – Issue #4

Happy Thanksgiving!  Eat too much, laugh too loud, and sleep a little extra, but save Black Friday for some gaming.  Meanwhile, have some more fireside reading for the long weekend. One Hour Wargames, Scenario 6 (Steve’s Random Musings): I then sat down to think of a scenario, but had a...