Small Box Blues, Part Four

There’s no way around it – big multi-layer pieces of terrain just aren’t going to fit into a small box. So let’s just stick with a one level floor plan. Everybody and his uncle uses some variation of rectangular or hex-based tiles for their terrain.  But since this is...

Small Box Blues, Part Three

Last time we looked at a few ways that smart people approach the challenge of cramming as much terrain into a small space as possible.  This time let’s look at how a dumb person does it.  And by dumb person, I mean me. In addition to cramming as much...

Small Box Blues, Part Two

There are basically two ways to build wargame interiors.  You can place freestanding walls on a ground surface (aka “the maze”), or you can integrate them into the ground surface (aka “tiling”). There is a third way, a hybrid method with tiles that represent rooms and corridors.  Let’s look...

Small Box Blues, Part One

How do you cram as much gamable space as possible into as small a space as possible?  We’re going to kick 2016 off with a week-long series of posts introducing my solution to one specific kind of terrain.  Specifically, a solid set of sci-fi interiors that are attractive, provide...

Tyranny of Dragons, Session 14 – Carnath Roadhouse

After a brief rest amid the splendors of Waterdeep, our plucky band of heroes found themselves heading north once more, once again disguised as humble guards protecting Dragon Cultists who were disguised as a humble road construction crew.  The Lords of Waterdeep had set out to repair the long...

A Tree Grows in Neo-Brooklyn

Four trees, actually.  Nine more pieces of scatter terrain – what the cool kids are calling street furniture these day – have been added to the table for cover. When it comes to small bits of raw material for scratch-building, the electric aisle of your local hardware store is...

And Now a Word From These Sponsors – Ad Boxes in 15mm

Last year was the year of the One Hour Wargames Big Box.  This year is going to be the year of sci-fi scatter terrain, with some digressions into 15mm fantasy wargaming, and hopefully more games on the table. To kick things off right, here’s my take on advertisement boxes...

The Sci-Fi Table: Before

As we leave 2015 behind, let’s look ahead to the coming year.  The blog’s focus heading into the New Year is going to be stuffing as much scatter terrain into the sci-fi box as possible.  Right now the sci-fi table has the necessary big structure to it, but is...

The Podcast We’ve Been Waiting For

If you’re one of those poor bastards that grinds through a long commute on a daily basis, then you can’t get enough decent podcasts.  There are a hot steaming pile of them for tabletop RPGs, a few of them are even worth a listen, but very very few for...

The Wargaming Triangle

Presenting Warren’s General Theory of Wargaming Management! This should be pretty self-explanatory.  For project management, restaurants, and life in general you generally have to balance between good, fast, and cheap.  McDonald’s burgers are cheap and fast, but they ain’t good.  The local high-end restaurant makes a good and fast...