Song of Sticks and Fat Fingers

Fat fingers?  Not me – I actually have tiny little girl hands, which serves a modeler like me well when it comes to putting together fiddly bits of terrain and figures.  Fiddly bits like these measuring sticks for the Song of… series.   Fat fingers or no, sometimes you...

Tyranny of Dragons Kickoff

“You’ve all been hired by the trader Basko to escort a wagon of trade goods to the village of Greenest.” And so begins an Actual Play log of the D&D 5thedition centerpiece campaign.  As an Actual Play thread, the spoilers for the campaign will be flying fast and furious. ...

Old School Skirmish

The best local game shops in town is one of those cramped little shops crammed full of all sorts of odds and ends the store owner has collected over the last two decades.  It’s all too easy to while away a full hour digging through boxes of random game...

Fields For Battle

Yep.  So.  Got some paint on the farm fields.  Just need some dull coat to take the shine down a notch.  These fields give me three easily stored square-ish terrain blocks that will do a fine job blocking line of sight and travel times for ground pounders. This one...


Whatever you call the new version of D&D (“Next”, “Fifth Edition”, or just “D&D”), I’ve got my first RPG character in over five years.  My new group met last Friday night to roll up characters, and my son and I wound up with the spellcasters.  He’s got the boom-boom...

Back on the Horse With Some Fields

The single most important tool in a wargaming arsenal is probably one of the more over-looked – the humble table.  The last thirteen months Team Abox lived in a dingy and tiny little rental house while saving up for a mortgage.  Last month that dream came true, and my...

Moldvay Gems

The cool kids all seem to be raving about the offerings over at, especially the Moldvay edition of Basic D&D.  Being the tech savvy luddite that I am, I scored a hard copy of those rules via eBay. As is the custom, having read these rules cover to...

AAR: The Necromancer’s End, Part 2

To recap:  Our humble and noble Necromancer was passing innocently through a pleasant wooded glade when he was viciously accosted by a troop of inbred and illiterate ogres.   The Necromancer, his assistant, and his skeletal party were heading south through the forest as shown here. The ugly ogres...

AAR: The Necromancer Meets A Grisly End

Tonight saw the Abox clan rip off a quick game of Song of Blades and Heroes, our first proper game of the fantasy flavor of Ganesha Games’ lineup.  Everyone got involved, even the baby.  How’s that for a thin excuse to bore you with baby pictures?  Hey, she’s holding...

A Song of Crack and Meth

In an effort to play more games with the limited collection of painted figures that I have ready now*, I’ve been dabbling in Ganesha Games’ Song of… series of rules.  The results were cautiously optimistic. After a bit more faffing about the internet, it looks more and more like...