Big Box Terrain, Part Five
Reality check! Now that the new box has a nice selection of terrain, it’s time to verify that the terrain will fit into the box with room left over for the armies. The armies aren’t here yet, so I cut some rough bases out of paper to see how...
Campaign Creation – Inspirational Shortcuts and Political Mnemonics
Chris, over at the Hill Cantons has a great post up about Special Snowflakes. Really inspirational stuff. Those of you who run games should take the three minutes to read it, if you haven’t already. he’s quite the muse, that one. Make sure to stick around for the comments...
Big Box Terrain, Part Four
Miniature wargaming is a three dimensional hobby, so it is only right and fitting that it be fought on three dimensional fields. Over the course of the last couple of nights, I put together a couple of hills, and here’s how I did it. These are all pretty basic...
Big Box Terrain, Part Three
Remember that plain old terry cloth battle mat I showed you last week? For those who don’t. It looks great! Using a two-inch brush, I just dry brushed the whole darn thing in one short evening. Before starting, I polished up the three terrain bases by adding static grass,...
Small Interlude: An Army Approaches
Had a few quiet moments to pull a couple of armies down out of deep storage last night. Sort of. A couple years back, the boy convinced me to buy a couple of armies for mass battle. In a moment of wargaming weakness, I caved and bought two...
Big Box Terrain, Part Two
Last time we looked at the forest base. This time let’s look at the canopies for the still as yet unrevealed new project era. What you’re looking at is a cheap and easy alternative to the method used by these clever chaps here. Their forests look great, but they...
Big Box Terrain, Part One
The terrain starts off simple. Free CD bases measure about five inches across, and that makes them about one sixth the size of my battlemat. Perfect. Rough Ground Sand and rocks from the yard, glued and primed. As mentioned previously, the golden rulebook for this box is Neil...
From the Ground Up
We’re building this project from the ground up. A bit of a departure for me, actually. Normally I just sort of muddle through figures, rules, and terrain all in one big mish-mosh. This time around it’s going to be rules, terrain, and finally figures. I’m starting with Neil Thomas’...
Back To My Roots
New year, new project, new focus on the core mission: Wargaming that is cheap, portable, storable, and fun. We’ll get into the nitty-gritty later on this week. For now, here’s our goal – put together a fun wargame that can fit completely within a fairly small box. So let’s...
New Year’s Party
Day late and a gold coin short, here’s a shot of the full lineup of the party standing between Faerun and a so-far vaguely draconic but unspecified threat. Karran, Gilgamesh, Aramis, Henry, and Grim On the one hand, if the fate of the Realms lies in the hands of...