Naked Figures
Just fishing for hits with a title like that. By naked, what I really mean is ‘without paint’. This batch is all Pendraken all the time. SF1 – Marine in battle armor SF2 – Marine SF17 – Alien predators SF21 – Civilian women SF22 – Civilian men On the...
They Blew It Up!
Those damn dirty alien-apes! Damn them to alien-hell! If only this came with a liberty-torch. So this terrain piece is painted and ready for the table. It hovers somewhere on the edge of difficult and impassable terrain. The precise nature will likely depend on the scenario. Either way, it...
6-4-6 Updated Rules
My crazy easy rules need some tweaking, what with the addition of minotaurs, lizards, and predators to the line-up. The new figures call for some new abilities – there’s no sense in using different figures if they do the same things. It also means we need new mechanics and...
By Request: Size Matters
I’ve had a couple of people ask me how the figures of various 10mm manufacturers stand up to each other. Here’s a series of comparative photos to demonstrate. The guy on the far right serves as a universal indicator across all photos. DWARVES Irregular, Pendraken, Copplestone HALFLINGS Copplesone, Pendraken ELVES Pendraken,...
Close Encounter of the Second Kind
“Visual sightings of aliens or physical effects on animate and inanimate objects.” Starting a blog post with a definition, how lame. Hopefully the rest of the post makes up for it. It’s no secret that Matakishi’s Tea House has been inspirational for this sci-fi project, and one of the...
We Rollin’, Aliens Hatin’
The mystery MechWarrior vehicles look a lot better with a fresh coat of paint. They’ve been de-weaponized so that the Buy ‘N Large crew now have a little runabout (left) and a large cargo hauler (right). The pink tires don’t look right against the white background, but the red...
No Son of Mine!
“But Dad,” the boy tells me, “It’s okay, everybody plays with unpainted terrain!” “Not in this house,” I bark at him. “So long as you live under my roof, you’ll play by my rules.” Which is a bold faced lie, as 40K is anything but my rules. We’ll let...
Turns Out We Have Vehicles
Rummaging through the treasure trove that is the box of random toys in my son’s collection turned up these little numbers. Perfect scale for 10mm gaming, but I have only the vaguest memory of picking them up years ago at the local library’s used book sale of all places....
Landing Pad – Post-Paint
With this landing pad, I finally pulled the trigger on the whole ‘sponsoring megacorp’ thing. This colony is brought to you by the fine folks at Buy ‘N Large. Anybody know where I can find a suitable Wall-E miniature? Scale doesn’t matter, if they are 25mm scale, they’ll just...
Landing Pad – Pre-Paint
The human colonists now have a way to get on and off planet. One custom made rocket landing pad with spare fuel tanks, access ramp, and matching rocks and plants to tie it into the rest of the terrain....