First Figures!

Copplestone Castings wins the big race.  I ordered figures from them, Irregular, and Pendraken all on the same day, and Copplestone got them to me first.  Being so remote, that’s probably more a function of the post than the manufacturers, though. I’m a pretty manly macho man, so I’m...

Tomb of the Tiny Pharoah

With those new 10mm figures arriving from over Pond, the continent, and then halfway across another pond, I’ve had plenty of time to get a jump start on the dungeons.  Here’s the second (or third if you count the wilderness area), in all it’s complete glory.  This time around,...

Irish Megaliths

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, peeps.  How about some nice Irish standing stones to celebrate. These are actual stones, based on 12mm steel washers and painted up in colors to match the river stones.  The steel washers secure the stones to magnets that line the transport box.  The bases were...

Adventures in the Great (and Tiny) Outdoors

As promised, the outdoor tiles are complete.  The rivers don’t line up nearly as well as hoped, but they do provide tactical, interest to each board.  Here you can see a 1-tile offset, hardly the end of the world. No flocking on these boards – it would look HUGE!...

Kid’s Stuff Threedux

A good friend bailed me out of some personal drama (loaned me a spare car when my transmission went ker-chunk). Our kids are both into 40K, and after a recent battle, a couple of his terrain pieces wound up in our box.  As a partial thanks for the loaner,...

Lair of the Rat King

Construction ended on the sewers beneath Cornerstone Keep.  The last step is a thick spray of dull coat to protect the work.  Otherwise, these tiles are ready for the minions of the Rat King and the adventurers to slay them.  As promised, I’ll spare you the details on the...

Ideal Idylls of the Idle Rat King

Work progresses on the sewers.  Black spray paint, white drybrush on the tiles, and one tile grayed up a bit.  The color gradations on this terrain are subtle; they are the details that you only don’t notice when they aren’t there.  Here’s a comparison of the white (left) with...

Tactical Terrain

Last time you saw the first of what should be several outdoor terrain tiles.  These open up the field of play, but if you’re going to have an open field, you might as well just use gridded paper.  The whole point of the tiles is to present a 3D...

There Will Be Oil (Stain)

Friday morning: Half-inch hail hit the yard.  I live in Hawaii,it’s not every day that frozen water falls from the sky here. Despite the deluge, on Friday I primed the sewers in flat white and hit them with a coat of black oil stain.  It’s not nearly dark enough,...

First Three Sewer Tiles

Enough of the playing coy with the goods.  Here’s the very first terrain board.  If you look close, you can spot the two examples of textures that I used in the last blog post.  You’re looking down the long axis of a corridor three squares wide with a sewage...