Kid’s Stuff Threedux
A good friend bailed me out of some personal drama (loaned me a spare car when my transmission went ker-chunk). Our kids are both into 40K, and after a recent battle, a couple of his terrain pieces wound up in our box. As a partial thanks for the loaner,...
Lair of the Rat King
Construction ended on the sewers beneath Cornerstone Keep. The last step is a thick spray of dull coat to protect the work. Otherwise, these tiles are ready for the minions of the Rat King and the adventurers to slay them. As promised, I’ll spare you the details on the...
Ideal Idylls of the Idle Rat King
Work progresses on the sewers. Black spray paint, white drybrush on the tiles, and one tile grayed up a bit. The color gradations on this terrain are subtle; they are the details that you only don’t notice when they aren’t there. Here’s a comparison of the white (left) with...
Tactical Terrain
Last time you saw the first of what should be several outdoor terrain tiles. These open up the field of play, but if you’re going to have an open field, you might as well just use gridded paper. The whole point of the tiles is to present a 3D...
There Will Be Oil (Stain)
Friday morning: Half-inch hail hit the yard. I live in Hawaii,it’s not every day that frozen water falls from the sky here. Despite the deluge, on Friday I primed the sewers in flat white and hit them with a coat of black oil stain. It’s not nearly dark enough,...
First Three Sewer Tiles
Enough of the playing coy with the goods. Here’s the very first terrain board. If you look close, you can spot the two examples of textures that I used in the last blog post. You’re looking down the long axis of a corridor three squares wide with a sewage...
Sewers of Cornerstone Keep
With the construction plan in place, or at least as in place as its going to get until it meets first contact with the enemy, we can now set about building the first dungeon tiles. I’ll spare you the details on the campaign background for now – it’s enough...
The Halfway Solution
So if 8″ geomorph tiles aren’t going to work, what is? That is the question. After a day of mulling it over and several hours of research (read: trawling the internet), it occurred to me that making flat terrain tiles for 10-mm figures is a fairly low cost and...
Dungeon Mapping
Let’s think about this for a minute. Dungeon design for miniature use presents some unique challenges. You have to balance the feel of discovery of the unknown with replayability. At one end of the spectrum you have board games with a set single dungeon (like Dungeon) where the only...
New Project: Back to the Roots
With the latest car wars debacle still fresh in mind, it’s time to completely jump genres and scales. It’s time to get back to my dungeon crawling roots. It’s been a few years since I’ve hosted a dungeon crawl, and this is as good a time as any. Some...