Bonus Post! A One Page Adventure

UPDATED MARCH 29 – SEE BELOW While trolling the seas of the internet for a fish of rules worthy enough to grace my table, I’ve been drifting in and out of the role-playing game blog-community.  Today I discovered a little thing called the One Page Dungeon contest. “I can...

An Irregular Order

First order of Irregular Miniatures came in today, and they look like a lot of fun.  These unpainted lead shots are for other people’s reference.  One quirky thing about collecting 10mm figures is that very few manufacturers have their whole line photographed and available on their websites.  Personally, that...

Demi-Humans, Part the First

This is the last of the Copplestone Heroes pack TM10.  Each guy has so much character, they really were a joy to paint.  Here are two different dwarf styles – one rugged outdoor type and a more urban armored stunty.  The dwarf in blue is now the only heavily...

Warriors, Come Out and Play-ay!

Three fierce warriors for your approval.  Once again, these are Copplestone figures.  The big warriors of TM10 all look fairly wild and uncultured.  You might go so far as to call them barbarians, but the modern university sensibilities prefer that you use the term ‘blood thirsty brutes with poor impulse control’....

A Short Update

Get it?  Because these are 100mm halfling figures.  It’s a ‘short’ update!  Heh. Hey, they can’t all be winners, right?  For the record, the guy on the left is mis-cast.  He’s missing his lower left arm.  On the table top you can’t really tell.  It’s only when you look...

First Heroes

From the excellent Copplestone Castings line, this is TM10, Heroes and Halflings. The flame wizard on the right is a bit of a conversion on my part.  He looks to be Copplestone’s not-Faramir, or at least a bow wielding assassin.  Thing is, wizards are in short supply in this...

Stop the Presses

Remember that experiment where I’d try painting the first batch of figures in different ways to figure out which one works best?  Forget it. Devlan Mud – ask for it by name. Those look so sharp, and painted up so fast – one hour for the lot of them...


Remember two days ago when I said there was something off about the Tomb of the Tiny Pharoah?  I figure out what it was.  I wanted more contrast between the nice tile work and the dirty side halls, but couldn’t quite figure out how to achieve that.  My wife...

First Figures!

Copplestone Castings wins the big race.  I ordered figures from them, Irregular, and Pendraken all on the same day, and Copplestone got them to me first.  Being so remote, that’s probably more a function of the post than the manufacturers, though. I’m a pretty manly macho man, so I’m...

Tomb of the Tiny Pharoah

With those new 10mm figures arriving from over Pond, the continent, and then halfway across another pond, I’ve had plenty of time to get a jump start on the dungeons.  Here’s the second (or third if you count the wilderness area), in all it’s complete glory.  This time around,...