Experimental Wargaming

Today things fell into place for an interesting wargaming experiment. SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ONGOING CAMPAIGN! For those of you not playing along at home, Mondays we post an update to a Chainmail campaign in which the Broman Empire seeks to reclaim a powerful artifact from a tomb located...

Dragon Rampant Action

Tried two little experiments with Osprey’s ‘Dragon Rampant’ today. The first was playing the game with my nine-year old daughter.  Here you can see that she took command of a key hill, placing her archers within the woods – a great decision on her part. The result: She liked...

Gobs For Smacking

Got a new faction for the miniature war game “Dragon Rampant” all painted up, and they are led by this brute right here. The backstory for this army consists of a nomadic tribe of goblins. That gives me an excuse to run an entirely mounted army. Fortunately for me,...


For your own sake. Conan the Librarian, one of the deepest thinkers and smoothest writers around, has a new project over on the KickStarter. Here is how I described this collection back in 2016: The stories in this [book] are an eclectic bunch, written by a man who seems...

Thar’s Doin’s Afoot

The #Trollopulous MegaVerse is the most interesting thing to happen to D&D in decades. Those glorious edgelording bastards in the #BROSR found a way to reinvigorate a hobby that had plateaued and they did it by taking a game everyone owns but doesn’t play and, for the first time...

Dragon Rampant – Four Armies

Here they are – four full armies suitable for use with Dragon Rampant. All of these figures come from Khurasan Miniatures, with the exception of the wolf-hounds, which come from a mix of manufacturers.  Lesser Warbeasts don’t really fit into the theme, but sometimes you need to fill that...

Clash of Arms and Tusks

The Broman Empire, fresh off a victory in the Pink Phantom Hills, turns its attention to the east, where its diversionary force encounters the lead elements of the Orkish Khan somewhere in the depths of the Whitehart Woods. You can follow along here, and if you would like to...

Hitchhiking to Elite Level Satire

The 2005 adaptation of Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is an underappreciated gem. Sam Rockwell’s performance as the president of the galaxy presents a perfect blend of Clintonian and Bushian “aw shucks arrogance and charm” that is refreshingly non-partisan from a Hollywood production.  He even manages to...

Chainmail and Dragon Rampant: Two Great Tastes

A commenter over at The Joy of Wargaming asked which ruleset is better, Chainmail or Dragon Rampant.  There is no easy answer to that question, but there is a great blog post of an answer. The two titles are both fantasy mass-battle games, but they do very different things and serve...

Pray For Peace

We’re really doing this again? Not even a breather from the last barn dance? All right, let’s do this. You would have to be a special kind of stupid to get involved in a border clash in eastern Europe without death on the line, and make no mistake about...