Small Droppings
The littlest Gaslands project is just about ready to hit the road. I traced the N-scale templates out onto heavy cardstock and cut out the appropriate sizes. The thick cardstock can be bought at the local craft store cheap – the offcuts from the framing shop go for a...
Dead Hobby Walking
Miniature wargames in general, and historical wargaming in particular, are headed down the same road as every other hobby out there. You’d think those with an interest in history would be better prepared to learn from the history of other hobbies, but it doesn’t look that way. A lot...
Great Borodino Thread on the Twit Box
If you’re on the Tweeter Machine and you want to read about a massive and intricate refight of the action at Borodino, brother have I got a thread for you! If you’re smart enough to avoid that place, then brother have I got an website that neatly compiling the...
My State < Your State
The Mayor of Honolulu noticed a real problem. The people had adapted to all of his intrusive and un-necessary restrictions on daily life in these days of Chinese SupaDupaAIDS. To make matters worse, those numbers did what he said they would if everyone adapted to his intrusive and un-necessary...
Is The Hobby Still Dying?
This is my result when searching for “miniature wargames dying”: It’s fine. People have been crying Chicken Little over the death of the hobby for decades. Relax. Don’t do anything stupid. It will be fine....
Bill And Ted’s Excellent Family Adventure
Sat the family down this past long weekend to show them this masterpiece of family cinema. The effects are a bit dated, but it holds up just fine. To my great surprise the seven year old laughed riotously through most of it. She was a bit bored at the...
More Vendeean Eye Candy
Been playing around with Osprey’s En Garde! while waiting for the Big Battalions package to arrive, and it’s been nice to fiddle with a new ruleset and some blackpowder scenarios. My fantasy town works well as a backdrop if I leave off the wizard tower and skull mountain pieces....
Red Flags All Over the Place
This is a mistake. Last week Little Wars TV posited that miniature wargaming MIGHT have a problem. Now they’ve got five solutions to that possible problem. For the record, I’m firmly on the side of Team Not A Problem. The hobby is doing great, and the last 60 have...
The Wars of the Trossian Succession
Got a new blog that you might be interested in checking out: The Wars of the Trossian Succession. As mentioned in an earlier post, my current big project involves a bit of the old toe dipping into Napoleonics. And by toe-dipping, I mean taking a headlong plunge from the...
The Future of Miniature Wargaming
It’s fine. Miniature wargaming is going to be just fine. Check out this fantastic kid banging out videos like a boss: If you’re on the Youses and the Tubeses, and you’re worried about “the graying of the hobby”* why not throw the kid a follow to encourage him to...