Playing Injured

For those who don’t know, I recently suffered a pretty severe blow to my left eye.  My vision is pretty well shot, and depth perception is a thing of the past. Which means no more painting little warriors until we get that fixed.  The eye is not a total...

Don’t be a Rule Zero, be a Rule Hero

This probably looked pretty weird on the day it happened.  Let me explain. The tabletop RPG hobby has ossified. The conventions have been established, and everyone that follows those conventions can only innovate around the margins.  Or worse, they engage in a complete deconstruction without the re-construction necessary to...

Into Uncharted Gaming Waters

A lot of tabletop gamers totally spaz out when you tell them there is a better way to olay the game they’ve been playing for 40 years.  Even guys with ten feet of shelf space dedicated to gaming advice or coil and a horror when they’re giving gaming advice. ...

Hello, Gym

Finally got things re-ordered in life to commit to the fit. A lot of my contemporaries have been losing weight, adding muscle, and generally vocal about their gainz and how they get them.  You could say they bullied me into it, though that might be a half truth.  For decades...

That’s The Joke?

It’s official. This book is tedious. For those who don’t know, the Harry Flashman series of novels follows a member of the British light dragoons/hussars through various Napoleonic era adventures.  Harry is the villain of the piece and…that’s the joke? In the first few chapters he plows his father’s...

Pushed Out of the House of Cards

From the “They’re Not Sending Their Best Files” comes today’s general attitude among the moneyed class that all brands must participate in the Holy Modernist Month of June.  You know which of the deadly sins we are supposed to celebrate instead of celebrating something good and beautiful and true. ...

This Post is Not About True Detective Season Two

Meet Eliot Bezzerides, the wealthy and well-connected hippy-dippy father of detective Antigone “Ani” Bezzerides.  A supporting role in the grossly under-rated second season of True Detective, he serves as something of a red-herring in the narrative. Eliot shows exactly which side of the good/evil divide he calls home when he...

Figure Catchup

Alternative armies has a great little selection of character models that I havne’t done justice.  In addition to a nice fat demon lord, I’ve added a NotMing The Merciless and totally not Dejah Thoris to my collection. They also have a fun little collection of elementals.  The air elemental...

Secret Headquarters: Qualified Recommendation

Watchable kids movies are pretty rare these days, and most of that fare consists of weird rubberface CGI cartoons.  Which is why, if you have a kid in that 10-15 demographic, you should give Secret Headquarters a look. To get a few of the usual objections out of the way...

Moving Beyond 1990s Film Assumptions

Now that we have the whole streaming services thing mastered, it’s high time we got past the 1990s assumption that films need to be at least 87 minutes long to deserve a release. This was inspired by Brian and Charles, one of those quirky low-budget high-concept British films.  It’s...