Category: Uncategorized

Eye Candy

Sometimes fantasy games are more real than real life. That thought struck home as I played a couple of battles between Christian Knights and the Death Cult. I’ll spare you the moralizing let’s take a look at some fun action shots. Here is an aerial shot of big blocks...

Revolting People

Today, over on the channel, we offer up a bit of a rarity – a fourth generation warfare miniature wargame.  Sure, part of the motivation behind this particular installment of the Joy of Wargaming was tweaking the noses of Corporate Entertainment by lampooning coverage of violent unrest as “mostly...

Gathering No Moss

Huge events keep grinding away out there in clown world, but your humble host has too much work to pay more than passing attention to it. Feels good, man. Taking Jordan “Ciderman” Peterson’s advice, I’ve spent the bulk of my free time completely renovating my bedroom.  If you want...

Absolute Emperor: Mincio River Scenario (1814)

My efforts to branch out from skirmish wargaming into larger scale battles has borne some pretty tasty fruit.  Osprey’s “Absolute Emperor” has proven to be as easy to play as it is easy to handle.  Large divisions sweep across the field, unwieldy but powerful, and with a minimum of...

Stay Strong, Friends

We Gen-Xers were raised by people who were terrified of peer pressure.  They spent decades giving us the tools to resist peer pressure to take drugs. Now they’ve spent months pressuring me to take a dangerous drug and are shocked – SHOCKED! – to find that I’ve got the...

On Fighting Sail

 What a fun little game from Osprey’s blue book series. Fighting Sail is a fleet action game that lets you chug a half-dozen or so ships of the line around the table, merrily blasting away at each other.  It strikes a very good balance between historical feel and playability,...

The Sci-Fi Dungeon

 You don’t have to choose.  These are all shots from a dungeon originally built for straight-up dungeon crawls.  By avoiding permanently affixed fantasy elements, you can change the whole look of the place with just a bit of scatter terrain. The power core columns are blue wooden dowels normally...

Give Money to People Who Don’t Hate You

Friend of the blog Jesse White has an exciting new project kicking off tomorrow. DeusVult, a comic that harkens back to the days when comic book companies didn’t hate you, drops onto IndieGoGo.  With tiers for hand-inked pages with several panels on them, as well as full-splash page art, which will sell...

Space Weirdo’s: News You Can Use

Doesn’t look like this project needs my help.  As I type this they have $1,500 raised out of a $100 ask.  But you might be interested in it, and that’s enough  for me to spread the word about this lo-rez independent sci-fi skirmish ruleset.     From the KickStarter...