The Dungeon: Level 3 – Bugbear Den

This area was once territory controlled by the Cult of Chaos on Level 2, but the large and fierce bugbears that crawled out of the abyss quickly claimed the area for themselves.  This situation serves the cultists well, as the bugbears serve as a buffer between them and the...

The Dungeon: Level 2 – Cult of Chaos

Greedy men whose ambition exceeds their power gravitate to The Dungeon where they serve the unknown entity that spawns its children in the Black Pool of Chaos.  They protect and serve the pool, guide its stronger children to appropriate portions of the dungeon, and murder and steal from those...

The Dungeon: Know the Warning Signs

The illustrative example from the Cook edition of D&D. In the grand old OSR tradition, long stairways were a sign for the players that they were moving on to deeper, darker, and more dangerous depths of the dungeon.  The challenges became greater, and the rewards commensurately so, as you penetrated the...

Pendraken With Paint Redux

This is one of those rare cases where a figure looks better on film than in person.  See that guy on the right?  The rangery elfy looking guy?  The back of his cloak is supposed to look like a tree branch with leaves on it.  Out in meat space...

Pendraken With Paint Dux

Old School D&D assumes a human-centric civilization with the demi-humans being rare exceptions.  And yet, with my latest order of Pendraken miniatures my collection now includes nearly three times as many demi-humans as humans.  Gonna have to fix that one of these days.  In the meantime, here’s a quick...

First Pendraken Metals

The first batch of Pendraken figures showed up in the mail this week.  This post is a reference post for those who want to see what the Pendraken figures look like sans paint…sort of.  Shiny metal doesn’t photograph well, so these have all been photographed after basing and base...

The Dungeon: Level 1 – Goblins in the Foyer

Once the characters enter this map they have left the old world behind.  There are only two ways to get back to the world they left – turn around now and walk back up the stairs to a long and boring life full of kids and bills and everyday...

The Dungeon: Getting Started

Before you throw your soon to be long suffering players (and not so long suffering characters) into The Dungeon, you’re going to need to know a few things. The Dungeon is a journey, not a destination.  There is no set finish line, no ultimate goal, and no final boss fight....

AAR: Bargle’s Cave

Last night I ran my son and six friends through a dungeon run.  I used the excellent one page adventure There’s a Sword Down There – I Promise written by Jensan over at Rustfoot.  Click on that link to see the slick format he used for his dungeon – the map...

The MegaDungeon to Be Named Later

Welcome to the MegaDungeon design series.  We’re going to walk through the design and stocking of a 10+ level dungeon.  We started with Dyson’s wonderful map (left), and carved out ten levels.  There are a few secret sublevels in there, along with a handful of blank nooks and crannies....