Solo Traveller Sessions: 12

Our scout, Jeremy Powell, started the session on Blaine’s World working as an unwitting spy.  After his successful hunting exploits caught the eye of the local figurehead of a monarch, the lovely Queen Tiadime, he found himself in possession of a lovely little Scout class starship.  She put in...

Told You So

This video on the origins of tabletop RPGs made the rounds last week because Jason Tondro, in the white beard, took a few minutes to beat his breast and put on a hair shirt and self-flagellate that the hobby grew out of a normal guy scene in the late...

The Colonel Takes the Stage

The planet Intanius lies just a hop, skip, and a jump-1 from the polity capital system of Janov36.  The random characteristics gave us the usual stats that look contradictory at first blush – a small world with 100 million people, almost no atmosphere and 10% water coverage plus makes...

Classic Traveller: Brief Update

We’ve got our first space princess! Okay, so Queen Carrere Tiadime (“tee-uh-dee-may”) isn’t technically a princess, but she must have been at some point.  Today, however, she serves as the current head of the largest polity on Blaine’s World, which is ruled by a hereditary oligarchy, and how does...

Classic Traveller: Animal Encounters

The classic 1977 Traveller ruleset includes a complicated and robust system for populating your alien worlds with a host of alien lifeforms.  Mark Miller lays out the system for doing so in what at first appears as an ad-hoc organization, as was the style at the time.  The problem...

O The Pain, The Pain

Well, that didn’t work. Cobalt-15 had to make his first jump with unrefined fuel, and it went about as well as one might expect.  Using refined fuel, you’ve got a 100% chance of making it home okay.  Using unrefined fuel you have an 11% chance of your drive malfunctioning...

Blaine’s World

Let’s talk about this odd planet in the northwest corner of the Penfold Sector. Blaine’s World is earth sized and has a water coverage of 50%.  It is chiefly characterized by a breathable atmosphere, but one classified by InfoGalactic as “corrosive” due to the frequent acidic rain-fronts that plague...

The Blackraven’s First Haul

Note the date of this post. In our 1:1 time game of Traveller, the Free Trader known as the Blackraven sets forth on February 22nd.  With each jump taking roughly two weeks to complete, it won’t take long until we have to shift the camera back to that rascal,...

Traveller Results

The people have spoken. And they have chosen a rescue. If Joan Alice is telling the truth. But this is a bit of a dodge, innit?  Because the first poll included “rescue” as a rejected option.  So how do we make a rescue-but-its-salvage op work? It’s easy with a...

Traveller: Chad’s First Freelance

The people have spoken, and the Blackreef Syndic needs our hero, one Chad Solo, to recover some very important and hush-hush company materiel that they quote misplaced unquote somewhere out in interSyndican waters.  The Blackreef Syndic, in the person of mid-level Admin named Joan Alice, offered Chad Solo a...