More Travellering

We have our first foil for Chad Solo. He grew up, one of about a million and a half citizen-subject-subscribers to the BlackReef syndicate.  Dad was a lifelong logoman for the Syndic, and encouraged Chad to enlist fresh out of school.  That worked out well for a time, but...

Classic Traveller: A New Solo

Today marked the inaugural session of a new solo campaign over at the Joy of Wargaming, and this time we’re chasing the edge of the universe with a game of OG Traveller. It wasn’t much of a session – all we managed to do was roll up one character,...

Gobbiton Update

In AD&D wolves are a pretty scary thing to encounter.  They are 2+ HD creatures and run in packs.  They are not for 1st level encounters, which should have served as an indication that running around the Wolflands is not for new characters, nor for n00b players. And when...


Ashe Barker, over at the YouTube Channel Guerilla Miniatures Games, has been running down a long series of thoughts on GrimDark Media.  It’s a fun series – one of those hangout and gab sessions with a couple of ersatz friends who share many of the same interests as you. ...

College Football, We Hardly Knew Ye

Having discovered the pleasures of ten-minute game summaries on YouTube, few of which spoil the ending, I made something of a reacquaintance with college football in 2023.  It proved to be a good year to do so, as a former Michigander, it gave me great pleasure to watch from...

Site Upgrade

It’s not a huge improvement, but it should make everyone’s life a little easier. I kicked up a new page that has links to the most commonly requested resources on this site.  It’s more sparse than I expected it to be after all these years.  We’ll add to it...

In Support of the Subsystem

Single mechanic RPGs are bad, mkay? Every time you think your interest in AD&D has run its course, that you’ve done all there is to do, you find another fun little subsystem that forces you to go back to the books and explore a whole new aspect of the...

Lone Wolves and Mass Combat

Recent experiments with mass combat run using AD&D as written have been wildly successful, even as they open up new avenues of exploration. Which is a fancy and nigh-journalistic way of saying that, after two battles, a glaring hole in my understanding has been exposed. On the matter of using...


It’s been almost 6 months since I joined the cyclops faction. I still have no depth perception, so I started by painting  something easy. Two tone ruins. Hard to screw that up.  A few miniature wargamers offered me encouragement, guys who have also suffered the loss of vision in...

Dungeon Design Training Wheels

This is an idea so brilliant, I wish I lacked the morals to claim it as my own. The power of Appendix A never ceases to amaze. Give any reasonably intelligent kid a couple run throughs of the Dungeon of Rando Death to Randos, and they will assuredly start...