Dragon Rampant – Four Armies
Here they are – four full armies suitable for use with Dragon Rampant. All of these figures come from Khurasan Miniatures, with the exception of the wolf-hounds, which come from a mix of manufacturers. Lesser Warbeasts don’t really fit into the theme, but sometimes you need to fill that...
This Is Huge – Gamechanging
The full ramifications of this little fact have yet to be explored. Probably because the bulk of the D&D crowd plays linear, story-line chasing, games that think too small to include such concepts as player-created megadungeons. In Brian’s case, the dwarven faction is mining in the hopes of finding...
A Few Initial Thoughts on ‘A Fistful of Lead’
I like it. Late last year I finally got around to ordering a couple of titles from the Wiley Games lineup. Having missed out on the hardback omnibus fantasy project, and curious about how Jay Wiley handles procedural, by which I mean random table generated, dungeon generation, my first...
Gathering No Moss
Huge events keep grinding away out there in clown world, but your humble host has too much work to pay more than passing attention to it. Feels good, man. Taking Jordan “Ciderman” Peterson’s advice, I’ve spent the bulk of my free time completely renovating my bedroom. If you want...
Little Big Guns
Every table a masterpiece. It took the littlest figures around to get me to appreciate the majesty and spectacle of Napoleonic Wargaming. There’s just something far more satisfying about shoving brigades or divisions of 50-100 figures around, even if they are a lot smaller, than there is in shoving...
Chainmail Quick Reference Sheet
If ever there was a wargame that cried out for a quick reference sheet, Chainmail is it. Find yourself a girl that looks at you like Gary Gygax looked at unique subsystems, fren. And yet, after literal minutes of searching, I couldn’t find hide nor hair of a QRS...
A Tale As Old as Time
Brace yourself for a revolution in table-top RPGs. At last, after forty years of D&D and twenty years of instant and always-on communications, the two have been married to create a style that is a literal game changer: But it ain’t me. It’s Jeffro, the madman that redefined how...
More Campaigning for the Best Campaigns
Got another big blog for you fans of old school tabletop RPGs. This time around we’re taking a look at a longish game of ACKS, Autarch’s excellent Adventurer, Conqueror, King. This is another one of those new-old campaigns that takes advantage of certain lost secrets to present a style...
Hintervale: Gondor Calls for Aid
Will you answer? In all seriousness, I need your help. My latest project for The Joy of Wargaming can’t go anywhere without you. Check it out. Help a brother out. Let me know what you think the best option is here, would ya?...
Primordial D&D
Been thinking about this a lot. Ever since watching this movie. Which is great. A must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the evolution of tabletop wargaming and/or role-playing games. It’s a deep dive into the roots of the hobby, and surprisingly even-handed. But I can’t shake the...