A 15mm Figure Miscellany
Today feels like a good day to spam your attention with several hosts of 15mm painted figures. We’ll start with the historical crowd, all of which come by way of Irregular Miniatures. A unit of twelve light infantry for the British, with an even dozen tribesmen to match. With...
A Thirst for Adventure
We’re still enjoying the freedom and excitement of Fistful of Lead. The universal nature of the rules allow you to throw figures from wildly different genres at each other with abandon. In today’s episode we threw a squad of modern-day adventurers into the desert. They parked a little too...
Swashbucklers and Gretamorphs
Some clever wag over on the channel suggested a better name for my space demons, 10mm Pendraken figures, than greenomorphs. As green-loving and shrieking monsters, gretamorphs they have become. The dice decided on a simple meeting engagement, and here for the first time you can see the simple pleasures...
More Mounted Goblins
The goblin cavalry force compiled for use with the “Dragon Rampant” fantasy skirmish rules proved to be smaller than anticipated. They just don’t need a whole lot of special rules, and most cavalry units clock in at 4AP. For a standard, 24 AP game, you’ll need six units. Until...
Some Napoleonic Bigger Battles
More eye candy today, but from a historical perspective. These are from a mix of manufacturers. They are also from a variety of games. All of these were played using Wiley Games’ Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles. Although it uses a lot more figures, something about it makes it...
Dragon Rampant – Orcs v Goblins
This post is largely eye-candy. An orc warband with a wizard, two giants, and three trolls – the latter two count as Elite foot in Dragon Rampant terms – makes for a very tough but largely slow force. Throw them up against a speedy army like the all-mounted goblins,...
Undead Terrain
If your undead table lacks a certain j’nais skull quoi, then you should look at herpetaraium terrain. I picked up the two skulls you see on the table here – one T-Rex and one giant sabertooth skull – from the local Wal-Market. They retail for somewhere around twelve to...
Undead Swarm Army
Our third army takes the field, and this time it’s all infantry. Dead infantry, that is. In the war game Dragon Rampant undead can either start the game on the table, or they can be summoned by a wizard. In addition to the figures to follow, I painted up...
Gobs For Smacking
Got a new faction for the miniature war game “Dragon Rampant” all painted up, and they are led by this brute right here. The backstory for this army consists of a nomadic tribe of goblins. That gives me an excuse to run an entirely mounted army. Fortunately for me,...
Dragon Rampant – Four Armies
Here they are – four full armies suitable for use with Dragon Rampant. All of these figures come from Khurasan Miniatures, with the exception of the wolf-hounds, which come from a mix of manufacturers. Lesser Warbeasts don’t really fit into the theme, but sometimes you need to fill that...