Category: painted figures

Nightwatch – Spawn Matrix

 Nightwatch: Terror and Treasure in the Dark Corners of the World has proven to be a delightful little solo wargame that has kept your host occupied for hours.  Almost four of them so far, and I’m finally starting to get the hang of all the basic rules.  One thing that...

Nightwatch Roster Sheet

  My first Nightwatch. Since nobody else is going to do it, allow me.  If you’re ready to play Nightwatch, a solo fantasy skirmish game by Stalker7, then you’re going to want to use a more compact and efficient character sheet than those in the book.  They are fine.  They...

The Very Model of A Modern Wargame General

 The modern table continues to take shape. A bit of screen, a bit of scrap wood, and a bit of sand… And you’ve got some nice tall fences. I’m not crazy about these fences.  I should have oriented the screen diagonally to make a diamond pattern, and the cloth...

Modern Conflicts Call for Modern Solutions

Starting to amass a little ultra-modern warfare collection for use with Black Ops.  To date, I’ve only ever played that game using sci-fi figures, but for the first time in a long time, I’m starting to get a handle on how modern warfare can be wargamed.  More on that...

Death Cult for Cuties

Alternative Armies’ sci-fi death cult paints up great. All right, smart boys, so it’s actually the Post-Apocalyptic warband (HOFP05).  In the House of Wargaming, we treat them as cultists.  Look at them robes and death masks and heads on pikes – what else could they be? Vince Venturella over...

Rogue Stars – Gauntlet

 When old Andrea Sfiligoi tells you that a game is built for four to six models, he means it! Tried running a gauntlet style run of five figs through a field controlled by ten figs, and it took a long time.  Each character in Rogue Stars, is characterized by...

On the Table at 2mm

With the painting out of the way, let’s take a look at what 2mm figures look like on the table. But first, here is a side-by-side shot of the Great Traffic Light Alliance, with British on top and Austrian in the middle and Russians on the bottom row. Any...

A 2mm Primer

With three full armies of these tiny little blokes under my belt, I’m finally ready to share some experience with you, dear reader.  By no means an expert, the best I can offer is my experience working with this incredibly small scale. First up, when you spray coat them,...

The 2mm Journey

Here’s a bit of a look at my 2mm journey, one upon which I have only just begun.  Specifically, here is the starting point for my SYW Russians. Bare metal inventory in progress.  Planning plays a big role here, and you want to dry fit to a base so...

More Vendeean Eye Candy

Been playing around with Osprey’s En Garde! while waiting for the Big Battalions package to arrive, and it’s been nice to fiddle with a new ruleset and some blackpowder scenarios.  My fantasy town works well as a backdrop if I leave off the wizard tower and skull mountain pieces....