Shrodinger’s To Hit Roll

Continuing on from yesterday’s discussion on suppressing fire in Black Ops, but the same sort of thing happens in a number of wargames where the condition of a model is left ambiguous until that model next activates. So there you are, staring at the table where your opponent has...

Shooting Around Corners in Black Ops

When somebody uses suppression fire at my table, they always announce it like this. Osprey’s Black Ops uses a card driven activation system.  It’s a randomized IGOUGO system broken up by held actions, orders, and suppression fire.  As can be imagined, suppressing fire is more likely to have an effect, but...

Hump Day Dump Day #6

It’s hump day, so I’ve got to include a picture of a camel…get it?  A sopwith camel?  Eh? EH? Ahhh, who am I kidding, I was just looking for an excuse to post the cover of this great game. In high school, my game crew bought a cheap second...

The Necromancer War, Chapter 3

When last we left the on-going saga of the Necromancer King’s attempt to add the Targar Empire to his domain, Lady Hotfor M’Motherson successfully routed a flanking force of the Necromancer King.  Seeing an opportunity to deliver a smashing blow to the dark lord’s forces, she quickly rounded up...

From the Archive – Hard and Blurry

Note much to say about this mind-1990s figure except that he has mainly seen use in a giant monster rampage style game.  Not even sure what manufacturer makes this guy.  RAFM?  He stands easily twice as tall as most 25mm-ish figures, so it’s acutally a giant cyclops skeleton....

Tiny Little Ruins

The Fantasy Big Box for One Hour Wargames needed a little something extra, and with the long Thanksgiving weekend, there was plenty of time to goof off at the hobby bench.  (It’s really more of a counter.)  So I slapped together a quick terrain piece to spruce up the...

Hump Day Dump Day #5: Eye Candy Edition

It really is a great time to be a wargamer, especially in 15mm.  I’d argue that we aren’t so much in a Golden Age as a Platinum Age.  The shopping list in my head includes the names of at least ten manufacturers producing as wide a variety of figures...

Black Ops, Trial Run

In northern corner, the crew of the G.S.S. Myconis, four hard charging Special Forces. Crew of the SS Myconis, from left to right, a specialist,heavy, trooper, and ace. In the southern corner, a dozen conscripts working for Hazmat Security, Inc. An ace, a heavy, and ten troopers. Since this was...

From the Archive – Big Red

You know what goes great with leftover Turkey?  Old miniatures! Every collection of wargame miniatures needs at least one dragon. This one marks the first time that I was able to get the shading on the color red done right.  For some reason it took a big canvas and...

Actual Play – Barbarian Prince – Episode 1

If you haven’t seen it yet, Castalia House Publishing has a new blog feature called Wargame Wednesdays, for all of us hex-and-counter-philes.  The series has inspired me to push some cardboard around.  All of my kids love themselves some Awful Green Things, and we spent a summer tooling about with...