Sweet, Blessed Peace

Had to issue the first term-block the channel today. When somebody points out that the United States of America was founded on such princliples the natural inclination is to wave your hand at the modern world and say: yeah, no kidding!   But the defenders of this organization are...

Hunger Stones

Can we think about this one for a second? Forget academia and the supposed experts.  Let’s just think about this. The modern media outlets aren’t wasting a chance to use this interesting little bit of historical interest to gin up support for their molochian plans.  Every news story includes...

Top Gun: Maverick

Watching Top Gun: Maverick in the theater was a typically irritating experience. Sitting between The Texter and the Family That Brings a Full Buffet into the theater always makes for a terrible experience.  While it was nice to get out of the house, the fact that ‘out of the...

More On The Baby Bust

The hypothesis: “something” is causing a drastic reduction in the number of babies being born in the US. In my last post, I demonstrated that the numbers for Hawaii in June are anomalously low.  The state of North Dakota reports a similarly troubling trend.  But we are not climate...

Birthing Pains – Hawaiian Kine

Prompted by this post discussing the situation in North Dakota, I pulled the birth numbers for my home state of Hawaii. This is public data made available by the Department of Health and presented online here (for now). That number for June of 2022 is staggering. That is a single...

More Mounted Goblins

The goblin cavalry force compiled for use with the “Dragon Rampant” fantasy skirmish rules proved to be smaller than anticipated. They just don’t need a whole lot of special rules, and most cavalry units clock in at 4AP. For a standard, 24 AP game, you’ll need six units. Until...

A Tale of Two Wikis

One is here to train you: One is here to inform you:  Which will you use?...

Reconciliation Status: Failed

Thanks in large part to Canada’s Orwellian styled Truth and Reconciliation Committee, which has nothing to do with either truth or reconciliation (as these committees always do) the Holy Father has embarked upon A fruitless journey to the land of the maple leaf. Let me remind you of one...

More Black Powder Eye Candy

Essex Miniatures on the runway today, modelling the finest turn of the century garb.  The 19th Century, that is. We start with the French revolutionary Army in full getup.  My black powder wargaming includes the counter-revolution as well as Napoleonic, so I mix and m atch these guys with...

The War For Sneedville: An Introduction

The next major project for The Joy of Wargaming will be something a little different. I’m not going to play any of the battles out on my tabletop (if I can help it). You Are. I’ve got a full explanation over at The Joy of Wargaming, but for you...