Eye Candy

Sometimes fantasy games are more real than real life. That thought struck home as I played a couple of battles between Christian Knights and the Death Cult. I’ll spare you the moralizing let’s take a look at some fun action shots. Here is an aerial shot of big blocks...

Cartography In Brief: The Broman Empire

…and points farther north. For those of you playing along at home, here is my blank map of the Brohome Empire and the northern bad lands adjacent to the last best hope for mankind. We’ve just published the first army movements over at the Joy of Wargaming, and next...

Pump the Brakes, Genius

I’m in the process of filming my third extensive war game campaign using William Sylvester’s excellent “Solo Wargaming Guide”, and let me tell you, the process really gets the noggin jogging. Particularly at a time such as ours, when armies are on the march, and pencil-necked warriors declare themselves...

Skool Rools: Understanding Modern Life

Remember in school when stupid teachers decided a quiet kid throwing down was ALWAYS the aggressor? Remember how they ignored the long periods of antagonism he endured before that punch? Man, that was crazy! As a friend on social media pointed out, that’s right now for setting my remembered...

The Army of the West

It took about seventy-five dollars and a month of painting, but I now have one full army ready to go for Dragon Rampant.  Naturally enough, as a human army ripped from the tapestries of 13th century Europe, this force could stand in good stead as a Lion Rampant army as well,...

On D&D: The Humility of the Truly Talented Tenth

There are two kinds of smart fellers in this world. Maybe more.  For the sake of today’s analysis of the culture of D&D, let’s lump the smart fellers into two groups, anyway. The first group contains the smart fellers who know they are smart, who make being smart their...

Solace: A Film Review/Warning

In the last two minutes of this film we learn that Anthony Hopkins’ character, ostensibly the good guy, murdered his young daughter. Now you don’t have to watch it. You’re welcome. The plot of this film revolves around a cat-and-mouse game between a psychic FBI investigator and an even...

This Is Huge – Gamechanging

The full ramifications of this little fact have yet to be explored. Probably because the bulk of the D&D crowd plays linear, story-line chasing, games that think too small to include such concepts as player-created megadungeons. In Brian’s case, the dwarven faction is mining in the hopes of finding...

Revolting People

Today, over on the channel, we offer up a bit of a rarity – a fourth generation warfare miniature wargame.  Sure, part of the motivation behind this particular installment of the Joy of Wargaming was tweaking the noses of Corporate Entertainment by lampooning coverage of violent unrest as “mostly...

Sci-Fi Parade

In addition to some fine 2mm terrain, the good guys over at PicoArmor offer a small but well-crafted line of 15mm sci-fi figures.  They have plenty of modern 15mm figures as well, and we might take advantage of those in the future.  For the present we’ve got some future...