Scale Neutral Fantasy Terrain
Nothing helps sell the players on the notion of the dungeon as a place of pure, seething chaos like a good altar of evil, expect maybe TWO altars of evil. Finding fifteens in the local FLGS (that aren’t remaindered Flames of War remnants) represents one of those fun...
Saint Brigid’s Moneggstery
With the world losing its collective mind, the wife has decided that one thing she will never run short of is eggs. We already had a trio of the little layers, but decided to add a few more ladies to the flock. After a bit of research, I settled...
Fifteen Odds and Sods
Just a couple of quick and dirty terrain pieces completed over the weekend. The jersey jersey barriers and skull mountian are from Rebel Minis. The skull painted up nice. The barriers have a printed plastic feel with a striated look the takes some sanding to get a decent look. ...
Rogue Planet: Le Beast Bu’ger
The daughter gave in to my strong-arm tactics and ice-cream based bribery to join me in a miniature wargame miniature campaign. We are using Rogue Planet, a lesser known title that features an action-reaction initiative system with a lot of quirky combat and movement subsystems. For this mini-campaign, we sat...
Rogue Planet
For you wargamer types, I’ve posted a Rogue Planet battle report over at War In A Box, the place where I stash my other hobby interests. It’s the start of what I hope will prove to be a short mini-campaign I’m running for my daughter. I am not planning to...
The Great Divide Game
A blog called The Dark Herald has been one of my daily reads for some time. Insightful analysis of these modren times and a keen wit keep me coming back for more. The author has released (or is it re-released) a very different sort of zombie novel called The...
Crisis Aversion Team
This 1982 mens adventure fiction novel was recommended to me by fellow Heroes Unleashed author, JD Cowan, who reports: …our pair of hero cops chase down a mad drug-dealer through dirty back alleys, disgusting sewers, an exploding chemical plant, and the twin towers (oh boy), while being chewed out...
Rogue Planet Quick Reference Sheet
Apparently, there aren’t any publicly available QRS’s for Bombshell Games’ Rogue Planet. You can find some files on BoardGameGeek for download, but they are behind a membership wall, and…yeah. Not interested in going down that road any more. So here’s a little something for you few fine fellows who...
Virtue Signal – First Looks
Welp. We played it. The $40,000 poke in the eye of the sniveling schoolmarms of modern society. It’s okay. It’s a coalition building card game reminiscent of SJ Games’ Illuminati. You play NPC cards off your special character card in the hopes of building a 15-member gang of influencers....
Barbarian King: A Yuge Win!
Broke out this classic print-and-play solo wargame for a little playing with myself in a way that won’t make me blind or lower my T, and holy cats was it a blast! My daughter is my good luck charm, as she rolls like a beast. If you’ve never...