Halloween – A Christian Holiday

Time once again for your annual reminder that in a lot of ways the secular holiday of Halloween is, in fact, one of the single most Christian holidays celebrated by Americans. It is a unique blend of sacred and civic holiday and one well worth preserving in its most...


Having fun painting up a few more critters for the tabletop.  Here’s a few fun owlbears for your dining and dancing pleasure.  If you ever wanted to know how big Splintered Light’s owlbears are, here’s your chance to find out....

Ten Foot Pole – The Best Adventure Site Around

Like many writers, my first real storytelling experiences came about through tabletop RPGs. Like many gamers, I found the fiction sections included with most RPGs to be wasted space. Even worse were the needlessly convoluted backstories to otherwise simple adventures, and despite (or perhaps because of my) owning and...

Writing Advice for RPGs

Like many writers, my first real storytelling experiences came about through tabletop RPGs.  Like many gamers, I found the fiction sections included with most RPGs to be wasted space.  Even worse were the needlessly convoluted backstories to otherwise simple adventures, and despite (or perhaps because of my) owning and reading...

Game Time – King of the Hill

With the new and improved 15mm fantasy table largely completed, it’s time to break out the miniatures!  With a little help from my lovely assistant, we threw together a small force of seven human defenders trying to keep an ogre and his goblins out of town.  The ogre wanted...

Why PulpRev?

Late in the most recent episode of Geek Gab, the inestimable host asks (relative) newcomer to the PulpRev a very interesting question: Why Pulp Revolution?  Her answer  (at 35:00) is very telling: “The enthusiasm.” It was great to hear that question asked of Dominika.  Her first novella, I, The...

All Together Now

Time for a table reveal!  Now that the basics of my fantasy table are done, we can see what the whole thing looks like when put together.  Let’s start with a cluttered town setting. Downright bucolic, ain’t it? The kind of streets ready to run red with blood. Nothing...

Space Princess: The Early Review

That all-important first review came in over the transom, and it is a beauty, not the least of which because it came in from somebody who has never read any of my other works: I knew I wasn’t the only Catholic lunatic writing speculative fiction that rests on a Christian...

The Tower Generica

Even with all of the additions, my table was looking a little bowling-green-esque.  To add just a little bit of topographic interest to things, I elected to mount my local tower keep (courtesy of Kallistra) on a small, defensible mesa. Front and approach. To keep things nice and generic, I...

Energizing Inspiration

Say what you will about Sci-Fi’s favorite punching bag and his recent lament that the election of the God Emperor to the Cherry Blossom Throne has left him incapable of stringing enough words together in any given day to honor his contract, at least the man admits to his...