Brovenloft: Lessons Learned
There’s a natural ebb and flow to conflict games, and D&D played right is no exception. The first BROSR campaign, Trollopulous, kicked off on a very slow note due to the lack of information available to all players. Strict adherence to 1:1 timekeeping meant that messages crawled around a...
Fluid’s Brovenloft
Straight from the DM’s mouth, what it looks like to send the players at your D&D table into the teeth of a Braunstein, patron-play campaign. This is how you bridge the gap between powerful patrons and the more street-level D&D with which most people are familiar. The man who...
The Rat King’s Tale Continues
Greetings, Rat Friends! When last we met, the Rat King had been taken under the angelic wings of angelic beings and whisked away to the gilded cage that is the sewers beneath Rome. But let’s take a look at Annette’s little adventure in the meantime. The Mad Doctor Baron...
A Thirst for Adventure
We’re still enjoying the freedom and excitement of Fistful of Lead. The universal nature of the rules allow you to throw figures from wildly different genres at each other with abandon. In today’s episode we threw a squad of modern-day adventurers into the desert. They parked a little too...
Swashbucklers and Gretamorphs
Some clever wag over on the channel suggested a better name for my space demons, 10mm Pendraken figures, than greenomorphs. As green-loving and shrieking monsters, gretamorphs they have become. The dice decided on a simple meeting engagement, and here for the first time you can see the simple pleasures...
Dragon Rampant Action
Tried two little experiments with Osprey’s ‘Dragon Rampant’ today. The first was playing the game with my nine-year old daughter. Here you can see that she took command of a key hill, placing her archers within the woods – a great decision on her part. The result: She liked...
A Song of Fords and Shallows
Mostly eye candy today with some thoughts on “A Song of Drums and Shakos”. It’s just a reskin of Andrea Sfiligoi’s “Song of…” series, but I’m really glad to have added it to my library. Having the background and points lists for each army really makes it a snap...
Song of Drums and Shakos – First Runthrough
It works! I was afraid it wouldn’t. My experiments with Flying Lead weren’t a lot of fun. They power of modern weapons meant that the games bogged down into two static lines blazing away at each other with little motion or forward progress. Needs more flags Fortunately, the Napoleonics...
Fantasy Campaigning Dun Rite
Using a Reaper Bones wood sprite figure as an evil personification of the deep woods and wilds are inimical to human life? That’s unpossible! That’s what happens in this latest episode of “The Joy of Wargaming” wherein four intrepid heroes wade into the wilds to put paid to a...
Rogue Stars Eye Candy
What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good infiltration mission. Here, the crew of a tramp freighter have snuck into Starport Moai to re-clone a couple of forcibly infected crewmembers. This looks like a job for Gold Cross. Not even an mRNA scrambler shot of nano-trackers can...