Category: campaign

More Campaigning for the Best Campaigns

 Got another big blog for you fans of old school tabletop RPGs.  This time around we’re taking a look at a longish game of ACKS, Autarch’s excellent Adventurer, Conqueror, King. This is another one of those new-old campaigns that takes advantage of certain lost secrets to present a style...

Cleanup On Aisle Linkage

 Clearing out the chaff from the wheat of my link list this week, and it occurred to me that some blogs need more than a quiet pointer. Around here, we believe that ACTUAL PLAY >> game theory, and today I’ve got one of the better AD&D session report blogs...

Primordial D&D

 Been thinking about this a lot. Ever since watching this movie. Which is great.  A must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the evolution of tabletop wargaming and/or role-playing games. It’s a deep dive into the roots of the hobby, and surprisingly even-handed.  But I can’t shake the...

Not Even Joking

Inspired by a deeply cogent comment left at “The Joy of Wargaming”:  Tabletop role playing games, properly played, ARE wargames. Let me take my troll face off and address your comment with more sincerity.  When RPGs branched out from the wargame hobby, they left a lot of money on...

Nightwatch: The Solo Campaign

So I ordered a copy of this based on the recommendation of a viewer over on the channel, Justo Perez, and it’s been a real struggle to read. Not because of what’s in it, but because life is hammering away at me with reckless abandon.  Not sure why, but...

Feelz Good Man Strikes Again

 If you’re still on the fence about it, or haven’t given it a chance, The Joy of Wargaming is going like gangbusters. But don’t take my word for it: We’re doing a long-form series detailing a logistical and strategic campaign using the book shown in the picture above.  It’s...

Happy New War!

 The Trossian War campaign offers a lot of possibilities for narrative fun and complications, but I repeat myself.  It uses Featherstonian “Chance” cards to add a level of…uh, chance…to the proceedings, some of which offer the possibility of adding third party elements to your forces.  Painted up in the...

Scattered Shots and Thoughts

 Time to make a scene! Can’t fight for the throne of the Trossian Empire if you don’t have a continent of Tros to fight on.  So let’s take a look at some of that scatter  This is all 2mm terrain from either Irregular Miniatures or PicoArmor. Irregular trees on...

A 2mm Primer

With three full armies of these tiny little blokes under my belt, I’m finally ready to share some experience with you, dear reader.  By no means an expert, the best I can offer is my experience working with this incredibly small scale. First up, when you spray coat them,...

Back to the History Books

Behold, the first teaser image of the Totally Not the Austrian faction for the Wars of the Trossian Succession. Horse, foot, and guns. It feels darn good to jump back into the historical saddle after a too long hiatus.  Yeah yeah, imagi-nations are barely historical but whatever.  Let me...