D&D As Wargame
Oh, Cirsova, I wish I knew how to quit you. My RPG style has been regressing over the years. The last time out it was pure 5e glory with the RPG elements in full blown glory, and the wargamey aspects utilized to the hilt. When I run games the...
Table For Four, Take One
To make sure that the first batch of dungeon furniture would paint up right, I did a quick paint job on the big table and four benches… Yeah…this is going to work out just fine....
Warren is In the House
Castalia House, that is. This week over at the indy publisher’s blog, soon to be the best wargame blog on this or any other net, Wargaming Wednesday With Warren. Somehow I managed to sweet talk the editors over there into letting me in the pool during adult swim. Now you...
New Yan’qui Craftsman
The dungeon just got in a big shipment from Fantasy Ikea. Frankly, I’m doing everything I can to avoid building doors. Still haven’t found a technique that I like yet. Sci-fi figure for scale. Everything you see here was made with popsicle sticks and hot glue. Click to...
A Wargamer Christmas – The Lead Pile Groweth
For wargamers, the past few weeks have seen all those figures you ordered from overseas over the Christmas break start showing up in your mailbox. For me that consists of four packs of Ral Partha’s Blighthaven line, and a pack of 15mm.co.uk’s skeletons and adventurers with some demi-humans for...
Never Paint Alone – A Podcast Recommendation
In The Garage The best time for painting – at least for middle-aged family men for whom this hobby is at the bottom of a long, long list of things to do – is that magic hour between seeing the kids off to bed and when days tribulations finally...
Dungeon Construction – Paint on the Walls
Watching Guy Ritchie’s The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was a fun, if trying*, way to pass time while slapping paint around on the tiles for Castle Meatgrinder. The tiles were spraypainted earlier in the day, with some trepidation. *Fun spy flick, but a mistake to put on a movie with...
Dungeoneering Tiles, Take Two
When last we met, I file-thirteened a pile of half-finished terrain consisting of a bunch of shoddy dungeon work. This time out, I built a dungeon using my preferred materials, foamcore and balsa wood. This time around, I used foamcore for the bases and balsa wood for the ‘walls’....
Black Ops Battle Photos
The last Black Ops battle fought in the Abox house pitted a group of Prang! trying to capture and contain a force of Octopods. This time around we switched the sides. The Prang! started out in the center of the board, with the Octopods on the outskirts. It didn’t go...
The Amazon stork finally delivered my latest rules baby, and I couldn’t be a prouder papa. I’ve been on the lookout for a decent set of medieval rules for use with my fantasy figures, and bought these largely on the strength of Black Ops. Much as I love...