The Learning Process
This new fantasy terrain is proving to be more difficult than expected. My goal is to put something together along the lines of the The DMs Craft, but it ain’t as easy as it looks. For one thing, he works in the big 28 scale, where my stuff is...
Castle Meatgrinder!
At this point I don’t know if Castle Meatgrinder! is the title of my next megadungeon, or just the working title for a fantasy terrain for tabletop skirmishing. In D&D terms it will be one of those spooky old castle ruins on the hill where a crazed wizard conducted...
Amazon is the Grown Up Version of the Tooth Fairy
Tonight my head will be dancing with visions of sugar plum rule mechanics:...
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Looking at my so-called city board, something about it always seemed off to me. It wasn’t until this weekend, while cruising what I think of as the Infiniti terrain-porn* sites, that I realized what it was. The board was too rural. The earth and grass speaks more of suburbia than...
Congestion – 15mm Traffic
Four cars and two bikes doesn’t do much to make a city table look well inhabited. It makes it look like more of a hamlet than an urban center. To that end, here are two more flit cars – four seaters this time, and a big bruising taxicab. All...
Standard Bikes, Custom Paintjobs
These fine jetbikes are available from Just a simple paintjob this time out. That makes a total of another 18 pieces of scatter terrain for the sci-fi table. Now, to do something about the far too rural looking drop cloth. All this scatter terrain works much better on...
Sci-Fi Scatter: The Embiggening
As mentioned previously, the electrical aisle of your local hardware store is a great place to find little bitty odd shaped things that belong in your bits box. Today, I want to show you how I turned a few of these bitty bits into a decent smattering of scatter...
Black Ops: Octopod Escape
In a Black Ops battle featuring two newly painted forces, a small Octopod task force has been discovered operating deep inside Prang!* territory. The 12 man group of conscripts including one leader (Ace) and one RPG toting heavy (for a total of 54 points) have regrouped inside a...
I’ve had these lovely little frog-men painted up for weeks, but just hadn’t had time to photograph and post them. Sculpted by the talented Eli Arndt, these stocky fellows have landed smack in the middle of The Ion Age, where they are sure to make a splash. These are...
Small Box Blues, Part Five
Over the course of the week we have been looking at a number of different strategies to maximize the gamable space that you can fit into a small storage box. As promised, today presents my own solution to the vexing problem of making a sci-fi interior battlefield with attractive...