Category: Uncategorized

Where Did You Come From?

Last month I updated this blog’s traffic monitor and… Where did you all come from? This place has felt like screaming into the void for a long time for two reasons:  The use of the aforementioned terrible traffic counter which told me nothing The use of heavy spam filters...

We Have Investigated Ourselves

And found we did nothing wrong. Here, we see a graph demonstrating that democracy means bombing any country that threatens the Washington DC grifting machine. Falling for this same old line is shameful.  It’s just another variation on the theme that brought you Yellow Cake, the Gulf of Tonkin,...

One Page Rules: Gobs vs Dark Elves

Who do you root for in this one?  Two very important take home lessons followed my first game of OPR: Skirmish. For one, an all-mounted goblin force makes for an army list that’s all hammer, no anvil.  For another, in a game like OPR: Skirmish you have to be...

Hawaii Birth Update

Back in August we noticed a shocking data point in the State of Hawaii’s birth statistics.  The lowest ever recorded number of births, occurring within a year of the introduction and forcible injections of the Mystery Elixir raised our hackles. But it could have been an anomaly.  Perhaps 2022...

Eddie’s Brovenloft

The man, the myth, the legend behind the lich, the myth, the legend posted his experience running Eddie But In Hieroglyphics through the Brovenloft meatgrinder.  The bad news is he posted it over on Twitter.  That site is so ephemeral and this thread so amazing, it seemed a shame...

Stockholm Meets Munchausen

First, a primer by way of Infogalactic:               It is not hard to imagine that relentless pursuit of dopamine hits provided by social media would exacerbate this problem.  There is no test for gnder dis4ia*. It is a mental illness that is very...

Brovenloft: Another BROSR Production

They are at it again.  The BROSR, lamenting the squandered opportunity that was Ravenloft spent all of five minutes talking about how much better the setting would have been had it only embraced the rules and ethos of AD&D before deciding to prove how great it could have been. ...

Sweet, Blessed Peace

Had to issue the first term-block the channel today. When somebody points out that the United States of America was founded on such princliples the natural inclination is to wave your hand at the modern world and say: yeah, no kidding!   But the defenders of this organization are...

A Tale of Two Wikis

One is here to train you: One is here to inform you:  Which will you use?...