Category: D&D

The Rat King’s Tale Continues

Greetings, Rat Friends! When last we met, the Rat King had been taken under the angelic wings of angelic beings and whisked away to the gilded cage that is the sewers beneath Rome.  But let’s take a look at Annette’s little adventure in the meantime.  The Mad Doctor Baron...

The Rat King’s Tale

Herewith: the secret history of The Rat King. When the guys in the BROSR started kicking around ideas for factions they might play in the BROvenloft extravaganza, I decided to finally throw my crown in the ring.  Instead of a military power like that of Kangsta Wrapper the mummy...

Beyond Formalhaut

Rarely does one encounter such clarity and depth in the blogosphere that revolves around D&D: When something takes off and becomes successful, you will invariably get a lot of interest, and a lot of people who will want to get involved. Success is infectious. The people who got involved...


A message to those of you who play old school versions of D&D:  When the freemium version of D&D hits, don’t expect a flood of 5e refugees to hit your favorite edition and start stinking up the place.  Let’s look at a few reasons why. Most modern D&D players...

Enter the BROSR Matrix

Let’s walk back some of the derision that I heaped on Matrix Games last week, shall we? I’ve been reading up on the subject because somebody smarter than me recommended them.  Also, they look like a style of gaming that has something to offer the #BROSR in the way...

The Mouse Is Roaring

It just keeps happening! The #BROSR: Giving you tomorrow’s D&D headlines…today! Several months ago, friend of the blog Mike DiBaggio interviewed friend of the blog Rick Stump on YouTube to discuss the latter’s 42-year old AD&D campaign.  It’s a great interview.  So great I’m posting it here for your...

Experimental Wargaming

Today things fell into place for an interesting wargaming experiment. SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ONGOING CAMPAIGN! For those of you not playing along at home, Mondays we post an update to a Chainmail campaign in which the Broman Empire seeks to reclaim a powerful artifact from a tomb located...

Thar’s Doin’s Afoot

The #Trollopulous MegaVerse is the most interesting thing to happen to D&D in decades. Those glorious edgelording bastards in the #BROSR found a way to reinvigorate a hobby that had plateaued and they did it by taking a game everyone owns but doesn’t play and, for the first time...

Clash of Arms and Tusks

The Broman Empire, fresh off a victory in the Pink Phantom Hills, turns its attention to the east, where its diversionary force encounters the lead elements of the Orkish Khan somewhere in the depths of the Whitehart Woods. You can follow along here, and if you would like to...

Cartography In Brief: The Broman Empire

…and points farther north. For those of you playing along at home, here is my blank map of the Brohome Empire and the northern bad lands adjacent to the last best hope for mankind. We’ve just published the first army movements over at the Joy of Wargaming, and next...