Some Napoleonic Bigger Battles

More eye candy today, but from a historical perspective. These are from a mix of manufacturers. They are also from a variety of games.  All of these were played using Wiley Games’ Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles.  Although it uses a lot more figures, something about it makes it...

Dragon Rampant – Orcs v Goblins

This post is largely eye-candy. An orc warband with a wizard, two giants, and three trolls – the latter two count as Elite foot in Dragon Rampant terms – makes for a very tough but largely slow force. Throw them up against a speedy army like the all-mounted goblins,...

Undead Terrain

If your undead table lacks a certain j’nais skull quoi, then you should look at herpetaraium terrain. I picked up the two skulls you see on the table here – one T-Rex and one giant sabertooth skull – from the local Wal-Market. They retail for somewhere around twelve to...

I’ll Do It Myself Again, the Pirate Version

Osprey Publishing has a terrible track record when it comes to game support, and an even worse one when it comes to quick reference sheets.  This is doubly so with On the Seven Seas, a little pirate set of wargame rules that includes very few tables, even within the text!...

Modron Problems

*be me *sit down to log on to modern technology >That is not your password.  Would you like to reset it? Not really, but ok. *gets text, enters code, enters old password* >You cannot use your old password. ._. Fine, here is a whole new one. Great! Now you...

The Xebec

This one is another probable out-of-print ship from Old Glory. I found this little cutie languishing on a shelf in the basement of a game store. Originally produced by Merrimack Miniatures and had probably sat there for 30+ years. Well, it us hitting the table now, as the starting...

Fifteen Mil on a Deadman’s Chest

Old Glory USA sells this 14-gun pirate brigantine, and you can get one here. The one I got was of middling quality. The portholes required extensive flash trimming, and the prow figure is riddled with bubbles. Still, it is a yuge piece, and should get me one step closer...

Paying it Forward

My Father’s Day present for myself included a little bonus that did me no good.  Four plastic French line soldiers from Warlord.  At ten bucks for the mag, these things paid for themselves. And as a 15mm wargamer… …they would have been destined for the landfill had it not...

Wargame Campaigns by Henry Hyde

This is a beast of  a book, weighing in at over 500 pages.  It is as complete and thorough a treatment of the subject as we have seen since the days of Featherstone and Bath. And it includes gems like this: All in all, “Wargaming Campaigns” is a fun...

Take the W

At last, our long national nightmare is over.Our long local nightmare continues, as Friday’s decision overturning Roe only allows individual States to do the right thing. It does not compel any states, nor FedGov itself to do the right thing.  The fight is not yet ended, and even as...