Hawaii Birth Update

Back in August we noticed a shocking data point in the State of Hawaii’s birth statistics.  The lowest ever recorded number of births, occurring within a year of the introduction and forcible injections of the Mystery Elixir raised our hackles. But it could have been an anomaly.  Perhaps 2022...

Eddie’s Brovenloft

The man, the myth, the legend behind the lich, the myth, the legend posted his experience running Eddie But In Hieroglyphics through the Brovenloft meatgrinder.  The bad news is he posted it over on Twitter.  That site is so ephemeral and this thread so amazing, it seemed a shame...

Brovenloft: Lessons Learned

There’s a natural ebb and flow to conflict games, and D&D played right is no exception. The first BROSR campaign, Trollopulous, kicked off on a very slow note due to the lack of information available to all players.  Strict adherence to 1:1 timekeeping meant that messages crawled around a...

Fluid’s Brovenloft

Straight from the DM’s mouth, what it looks like to send the players at your D&D table into the teeth of a Braunstein, patron-play campaign.  This is how you bridge the gap between powerful patrons and the more street-level D&D with which most people are familiar. The man who...

The Rat King’s Tale Continues

Greetings, Rat Friends! When last we met, the Rat King had been taken under the angelic wings of angelic beings and whisked away to the gilded cage that is the sewers beneath Rome.  But let’s take a look at Annette’s little adventure in the meantime.  The Mad Doctor Baron...

The Rat King’s Tale

Herewith: the secret history of The Rat King. When the guys in the BROSR started kicking around ideas for factions they might play in the BROvenloft extravaganza, I decided to finally throw my crown in the ring.  Instead of a military power like that of Kangsta Wrapper the mummy...

Modern Conflicts Call for Modern Terrain

Sarissa Precision makes a wide range of MDF terrain in my preferred 15mm scale.  Among which are these three fine houses, which they list in their “North American” line. My modern table needed a small cul-de sac of domesticity to go with the restaurants and gas station that currently...

Beyond Formalhaut

Rarely does one encounter such clarity and depth in the blogosphere that revolves around D&D: When something takes off and becomes successful, you will invariably get a lot of interest, and a lot of people who will want to get involved. Success is infectious. The people who got involved...

A 15mm Figure Miscellany

Today feels like a good day to spam your attention with several hosts of 15mm painted figures.  We’ll start with the historical crowd, all of which come by way of Irregular Miniatures.  A unit of twelve light infantry for the British, with an even dozen tribesmen to match.  With...

A Thirst for Adventure

We’re still enjoying the freedom and excitement of Fistful of Lead. The universal nature of the rules allow you to throw figures from wildly different genres at each other with abandon. In today’s episode we threw a squad of modern-day adventurers into the desert.  They parked a little too...