
A message to those of you who play old school versions of D&D:  When the freemium version of D&D hits, don’t expect a flood of 5e refugees to hit your favorite edition and start stinking up the place.  Let’s look at a few reasons why. Most modern D&D players...

Swashbucklers and Gretamorphs

Some clever wag over on the channel suggested a better name for my space demons, 10mm Pendraken figures, than greenomorphs. As green-loving and shrieking monsters, gretamorphs they have become. The dice decided on a simple meeting engagement, and here for the first time you can see the simple pleasures...

Ryan Dunfee of Sentient Robot Games just released Anthems of War, a fantasy skirmish miniature wargame with much to recommend it. He was kind enough to ask me to whip up a couple of videos on the game, and by way of thanks sent me both the PDF and...

Settling Down

After all these years of casual gaming, and 30 months of intense gaming for the channel, it feels like it’s time to jump off the shiny new treadmill. A long time ago this wargamer made the conscious decision to turn his back on the FLGS carousel, that relentless pursuit...

Yas Slaver Kween!

Put yourself in the mind of a modern-day film critic. Maybe this movie deserves a negative review… …but you have to ask yourself, is it really worth losing your job over?...

Stockholm Meets Munchausen

First, a primer by way of Infogalactic:               It is not hard to imagine that relentless pursuit of dopamine hits provided by social media would exacerbate this problem.  There is no test for gnder dis4ia*. It is a mental illness that is very...

Brovenloft: Another BROSR Production

They are at it again.  The BROSR, lamenting the squandered opportunity that was Ravenloft spent all of five minutes talking about how much better the setting would have been had it only embraced the rules and ethos of AD&D before deciding to prove how great it could have been. ...

Sweet, Blessed Peace

Had to issue the first term-block the channel today. When somebody points out that the United States of America was founded on such princliples the natural inclination is to wave your hand at the modern world and say: yeah, no kidding!   But the defenders of this organization are...

Hunger Stones

Can we think about this one for a second? Forget academia and the supposed experts.  Let’s just think about this. The modern media outlets aren’t wasting a chance to use this interesting little bit of historical interest to gin up support for their molochian plans.  Every news story includes...